Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday in our family because it has few strings attached. It is a day we remember the works of the Lord in our lives and give thanks for all He has done.

Every year when our family gathers together, we each find a quiet spot and make a Blessing list. These are the events of the last year that we are thankful for. Then we take turns sharing our lists.

This is something our whole family looks forward to every year. As our family grows larger and more grandchildren are born our blessings increase, and each Thanksgiving becomes more prescious. We are reminded of the difficulties we have overcome individually and together and how we have become knit together, supporting each other through it all. Each year I save the lists so that we can go back to any year we want and remember what it was like.

Truly the turkey dinner is a wonderful part of the holiday, but the best part of Thanksgiving is giving thanks with our loving family. I suggest you try Blessing lists in your family gathering.

May God Bless You and yours abundantly this Thanksgiving.